Anton Stabentheiner, Institute of Biology - University of Graz (Austria)
Informations on this website/Imprint

Idea, website design and programming:
Anton Stabentheiner

This website is managed on private responsibility.
Visitor data handling: NONE!
NO DATA OF ANY KIND of visitors is recorded, analysed, distributed, or used for any other purpose, neither for private nor for commercial use!

'Meaning' of the Website:
    ! Just Fun for Pleasure ! 

Copyright (©):
MP3-files, notes, pictures, literary texts, videos: listening/viewing/reading welcome for private use.
The Copyright (©) and all other rights of publication in any form remains with the authors
or the copyright owners indicated!
Commercial use: only with permission of the respective authors or copyright owners!

Viewed best with:
Mozilla Firefox, MS WhateverBrowserTheyHave, Opera.
Resolution: 1024x768 and up.  Colours: as many as possible.

Currently 142 contributions of 24 authors on ∼330 single pages:
∼212 different pictures (not counting icons), 18 videos, 32 sound documents, 13 score pages,
14 literary texts, many explanatory texts; including title pages, menues & author pages.
(Sorry, but as a biologist (family of the Statophilidae) I badly need this ...)

External links:
Many cartoons of Axel Innis by courtesy of: The Journal of Experimental Biology © The Company of Biologists Ltd.
Protein sequence information from: Swiss Prot
Protein 3D-pictures from: Protein Data Bank
Fractals created with: Fractalizer

Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Anton Stabentheiner, Institute of Biology - Division: Zoology
University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, A-8010 Graz, Austria (Europe).
Tel.: 0043/316/380-5705  Fax: 0043/316/380-9875
E-Mail:    Homepage: Anton Stabentheiner »»

26.02.2023 11:00

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